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Saludos, Despedidas, e Introducciones
Learn Greetings & Introductions in Spanish
This is designed to introduce greetings & introductions and related vocabulary as well as other aspects of the Spanish language through authentic videos and stories, then begin targeted practice of words, sentences, and phrases. Children will learn greetings and introductions in Spanish as well as grammar and linguistic concepts indirectly. Language acquisition will occur with repeated, everyday exposure and practice.
The work below is divided into sections. Have children complete everything in the section once a day for a week or longer (depending on age, ability, and how fast they learn). Allow the child to move on to the next section when they show understanding and proficiency. Children can also return to previous sections for review.

Section 1: Basic Greetings
- Watch this video to learn how to greet people in Spanish!
- Sing this song about greetings in Spanish. Put the closed captioning (cc) in English the first few times you watch it.
- Practice greetings and other basic vocabulary here.
Section 2: Greetings in Conversation
- Watch this video to see how to greet people in Spanish.
- Watch this story about Sofia y Rodrigo. It may help to put the closed captioning (cc) in English the first few times you watch it.
- Listen to this story about Fred and Ted. You won’t understand everything, but that’s okay!
Section 3: Introductions
- Watch this video to see how to introduce yourself and say your name in Spanish.
- Practice the vocabulary flashcards and repeat the words. Have a grown-up read the English if you can’t.
- Watch this conversation. It may help to put the closed captioning (cc) in English the first few times you watch it.
- Sing this song about introducing yourself.
Section 4: Review of Greetings, Introductions
- Watch this lesson to go over greetings and introductions you have learned and hear some new ones.
- Do this matching activity.
- Watch this conversation. It may help to put the closed captioning (cc) in English the first few times you watch it.
- Practice the greetings and phrases with this activity.
Section 5: Advanced review of Greetings, Introductions
- Practice the vocabulary flashcards.
- Listen to the story Gracias/Thanks read in Spanish and English.
- Match the phrases.
**Print this worksheet for advanced practice of appropriate greetings and farewells in Spanish. Click the bright green oval to download.
Section 6: Fluency Practice
- Watch this conversation between Juan y Pamela. It may help to put the closed captioning (cc) in English the first few times you watch it.
- Watch this episode of Daniel Tigre. Feel free to put the CC in English to help you.
- Play “Bop o Pop” with Alma. You can also play it in English so you know what she is saying.
Great job!
Come back and practice often so you don’t forget what you have learned. Another great way to be exposed to the language is to label things around your bedroom or house in Spanish!
Be sure to check out other Spanish themes on this sight!
Also grab some Spanish worksheets from my shop if you are interested!
¡Buena Suerte!