Learn Spanish Online Free
Easy, free method to get kids exposed to the language and learning vocabulary
Kids can learn Spanish online free! Use this in elementary or middle school Spanish classroom, a homeschool setting, or for any children interested in learning Spanish!
Many parents I have talked to would love for their child to learn Spanish, but have little time to do it. Even some bilingual parents struggle to find time to really teach their children the language. Here children can learn Spanish online for free with little parent intervention.
Apart from constantly speaking bilingually in your home, enrolling your child in a bilingual school, or trotting off to a Spanish-speaking country for a years-long missionary endeavor, it can be difficult to fit in language instruction.
Because, let’s face it, most of us have a lot on our plates.
A gentle introduction to the language will set a good foundation to build on later. Still on the fence about teaching children another language? Check out this article!
If you are a Spanish teacher, compiling videos, songs, and activities can be time-consuming. Let me do the work for you! Feel free to use these in your instruction time, homework, or lab!
I put together a compilation of great videos, songs, and activities to help elementary aged children begin their journey to Spanish language acquisition. This isn’t a comprehensive Spanish curriculum, rather a gentle practice and exposure method that will help children learn vocabulary while experiencing the language used in context.
These activities can be used in a classroom or home setting.
It is recommended that children use a set of headphones so they can focus on what they are hearing and not get distracted. Choose a topic below and follow the instructions. It may help if you create a shortcut on your desktop so children can easily pull up the activities each day.
In addition to this, my children watch Spanish children’s shows and also listen to Spanish audiobooks, like voxbooks, that we get from the library.
**Click a topic below to begin learning!

Spanish Numbers Vocabulary to 100 with an additional section that teaches to 1000.
Learn the letter names, letter sounds, spelling, and beginning sound words in Spanish.
Learn the basic colors and how to talk about the colors of things around you.
Practice talking about school supplies, what is in a backpack, and other school related vocabulary.
Learn vocabulary for fruits and vegetables and how to talk about what you like.
Learn how to say clothing words and how to talk about what you are wearing.
Learn how to introduce yourself and say hello and goodbye.
Talk about emotions and feelings in Spanish.
Learning the names of animals and talking about animals.
Learn how to talk about sports, names for sports and activities, and what activities you like to do.
Learn how to tell time and use time vocabulary.
Learn family vocabulary, how to talk about your family, and the subject pronouns in Spanish.
Great job!
New subjects will be added often, so check back often.
¡Dios te bendiga!