Los Utiles Escolares
Learn School Supplies Vocabulary in Spanish
I made this for my children to independently practice and learn Spanish vocabulary, sentences, and phrases related to school supplies. I hope this can help your family as well!
This is designed to introduce vocabulary as well as other aspects of the Spanish language through authentic videos and stories, then begin targeted practice of words, sentences, and phrases. Language acquisition will occur with repeated, everyday exposure and practice.
The work below is divided into sections. Have children complete everything in the section once a day for a week or longer (depending on age, ability, and how fast they learn). Allow the child to move on to the next section when they show understanding and proficiency. Children can also return to previous sections for review.
Optional: Grab some printables and activities with the same theme from my shop!
Note: You may encounter multiple words for the same thing.

Section 1: Introduction of Vocabulary
- Watch this video to introduce you to school supplies in Spanish.
- Practice the school supplies vocabulary here.
- Sing this song about school supplies.
**Print this simple school supplies worksheet.
Section 2: Practice School Supplies Vocabulary
- Watch this conversation about a lady who is checking to see if she has every thing she needs for the first day of class. There is a transcript and translation in the video description.
- Do “Drag and Match” to practice the vocabulary.
- Sing this song about school supplies.
**Print this school supplies worksheet. Click the bright green oval to download.
Section 3: More Practice of School Supplies Vocabulary
- Watch this fun word game conversation. Try to guess the school supplies by the clues you hear. There is a transcript and translation in the video description.
- Do “Memory Game” to practice the vocabulary.
- Sing this rap song about school supplies.
**Print this classroom worksheet. Click on the bright green oval to begin download.
Section 4: Advanced Practice
- Watch Jorge talk about his school supplies. There is a transcript and translation in the video description.
- Watch Daniel Tigre. You will not understand all of it, but that’s okay. You will learn more than you think!
- Listen to the story “Si llevas un ratón a la escuela”. This is “If you take a mouse to school”. If you have never read this book, listen to it in English first.
Great job!
Come back and practice often so you don’t forget what you have learned!
Explore other Spanish themes: numbers, colors, clothing, or fruits and vegetables. New themes will be added, so check back often!
Another great way to be exposed to the language is to use vocabulary you are learning around the house. Exchange your English words for Spanish ones!
¡Buena Suerte!