February Morning Work {Second Grade}


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What a great start to the day! Children get a rigorous, fun and engaging brain workout with literacy, math, fractions, dictionary words, history, and more! The cute February sentences and graphics help make these pages fun for the students. This could be used as morning work, homework, in a homeschool setting or for fast finishers. This packet could also be used as a review for third graders, or for advanced first graders.

The pages are all similar, so children can get used to practicing the skills and should be able to do them independently, giving YOU time to get your day ready. This also helps students build confidence in their work!


What a great start to the day! With February Morning Work for Second Grade, children get a rigorous, fun and engaging brain workout with literacy, math, fractions, dictionary words, history, and more! The cute February sentences and graphics help make these pages fun for the students. This could be used as morning work, homework, in a homeschool setting or for fast finishers. This packet could also be used as a review for third graders, or for advanced first graders.

Happy Teaching! 🙂

You can also purchase this product from my TPT store.

The pages are all similar, so children can get used to practicing the skills and should be able to do them independently, giving YOU time to get your day ready. This also helps students build confidence in their work!

February Morning Work Second Grade Skills practiced each day:

(Each page contains the following sections)

1. Write the date

2. Add and subtract: add or subtract the amount shown and write it in the hearts.

3. Word Problems: Solve the word problems and write the answer on the sign.

4. Expanded form (in the hundreds): Write the number in expanded form.

5. Fractions: Look at the picture and write the fraction shown.

6. Elapsed Time: Look at the starting time and elapsed time. Write the ending time. Use the clock to help you.

7. Trigraphs: Look at the picture, color the correct trigraph, finish writing the word.

8. To, Two, or Too: Read the sentence, color the correct heart, write to, two, or too on the blank.

9. Dictionary Words: Choose a word in the dictionary, write it in the rectangle., color the correct part of speech, and write the definition on the line.

10. History Sentences: cut and glue the words in order to make a sentence. (Early Greeks: Athens and Sparta)


**Purchase of this product is for one teacher, one classroom or one homeschool.

Copyright © Melanie Whitmire @Searching for Silver-All rights reserved by the author. Purchase of this item entitles the purchaser the right to reproduce the pages for personal or classroom use. Duplication for other classes, an entire school, or commercial purposes is strictly prohibited and is a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).